Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Pay Revision Commission- Constituted

Pay Revision Commission- Constituted  
Government have constituted Pay Revision Commission  to study and make recommendations on revising the pay and allowances and other benefits of the State Government Employees,staff of educational institutions, local bodies etc.For details view GO(MS)No 583/2013/Fin Dated 30/11/2013 

DA/DR rates revised with effect from 01/07/2013

DA/DR rates revised with effect from 01/07/2013 
Government have issued orders revising the Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief and issued general  guidelines for the payment.For details view GO(P) No.629/2013/Fin Dated 23/12/2013and GO(P)No 630/2013/Fin Dated 23/12/2013.